ESG - Environmental - Social - Governance
Always On. Bold in Action.
Driving Outcomes. Doing Right.
Always On. Bold in Action.
Driving Outcomes. Doing Right.

At Current, sustainability is our business. We have decades of experience designing and manufacturing advanced LED lighting and intelligent lighting controls. These products are vastly more efficient than their traditional counterparts, helping our customers reduce their energy consumption. But Current's commitment to sustainability doesn’t stop at helping our customers.
We are powered by strong corporate governance policies and practices that drive us to make a positive, lasting impact on the world and the people who live in it.
We deliver sustainable solutions

Current is a global technology business with a deep understanding of the art and science of light. We use our expertise and ingenuity to deliver leading-edge sustainable solutions that help protect our natural environment, reduce carbon output and create light sources that facilitate healthy well-being and safer spaces.
LED Products
We are an LED technology pioneer. Our product design teams harness decades of applied engineering and advanced photometry to create innovative lighting solutions with sustainability firmly in mind. This allows our customers to use Current LED products to drive their sustainability programs and commitments.
See our LED solutions in action:
Lighting Controls
The Digital Ceiling concept is transforming the lighting industry. Current is at the forefront of this technological revolution, using our expertise in controls design and software to help our customers reach their sustainability goals while ensuring a strong cybersecurity posture.
Learn more:
Horticulture Lighting
Our horticulture lighting technologies and products help indoor and vertical farmers conserve the Earth’s scarce land and water resources, and lessen the extensive use of pesticides. Our focus on sustainable solutions is helping to usher in a new era of controlled environment agriculture.
See how:

At Current, we invest in our people and the communities in which we operate. These communities are homes to us, and we continue to create opportunities where people feel welcomed and empowered to work and harness their ingenuity and intellectual power for the greater good.
We have zero tolerance policies prohibiting bullying, harassment and discrimination -- all enforced by our Enterprise Compliance Leader, a former civil prosecutor with the flagship U.S. government agency responsible for preventing and addressing workplace discrimination and harassment.
Continuous Learning
We have a legacy and passion for learning. Our people have access to a wide array of career and leadership development education offerings designed to enhance their skillsets. We also learn from our customers –both what works and doesn’t work. And we take that collective knowledge and intellectual curiosity to drive new and innovative sustainable solutions both for our customers and the world.
Enriching Communities
Involvement is in our DNA. We volunteer, give back, and encourage our teams across the globe to do the same. We actively support the United Way. We have a decade-long relationship with EUNIME, an orphanage and shelter in Tijuana, Mexico, for children living with HIV. Our Helping Hands Month of Giving Initiative allows team members to select charities of their choice to provide donations or other forms of assistance.
We are driven by ethics and integrity

The Current Way Code of Conduct states that acting with integrity is everyone’s responsibility. And we weave our commitment to doing the right thing throughout our operation. We strive to always do the right thing in how we treat each other and how we conduct business.
Ethics and Integrity
Our entire global workforce is required to annually complete and acknowledge Ethics & Integrity education, as well as safety awareness training to better understand their responsibility to respect their colleagues, forthrightly serve our customers and give back to the community.
Speaking Up
Current maintains a comprehensive concern reporting system. This means we have 3,000 pairs of eyes around the world watching over our organization. Individuals may raise concerns via a toll-free, third-party managed telephone line, a special compliance website or via email directly to Current’s Enterprise Compliance Leader. In addition, concerns may be raised anonymously or to a member of management at any time.
Current’s Enterprise Data Privacy Policy is designed to comply with the world’s most stringent privacy regulations, such as the GDPR and CCPA 2.0. To protect the end user, Current relies on rigorous cyber-penetration testing of its software and connected systems. Our unwavering commitment to cybersecurity is why a major social media company chose Current for its wireless controls system and network.
Current's Commitment in Action
Current's Commitment in Action
Financial Institution Reduces Energy Consumption by More Than 50%
Financial Institution Reduces Energy Consumption by More Than 50%
When a major bank boldly decided to retrofit over 4,300 branch units across the United States with LED lighting, it chose Current.
Working closely and collaboratively with the customer to understand its needs, Current completed the retrofit project and helped the customer realize a significant reduction in kilowatt hours of energy consumption.
The firm’s pre-retrofit kilowatt hour usage was approximately 213,504,903. After installing Current’s LED lighting and LED luminaires, the customer’s kilowatt hour usage dropped to approximately 92,227,564.
This represents energy consumption savings of approximately 121,066,831 kilowatt hours—effectively reducing the customer’s energy consumption by more than one half.
What does this mean for sustainability?
Over 45+ metric tons of CO2 emissions avoided
15 tons of waste recycled instead of placed in landfills
Energy savings equivalent of 5,473,919 fully charged smartphones
Retailer Retrofits Outdoor Lighting for Major Energy Savings
Retailer Retrofits Outdoor Lighting for Major Energy Savings
Lowering energy consumption through LED technology contributes to overall lower CO2 emissions, which is critical to reducing the production of greenhouse gases—a significant driver of climate change.
Current’s industry-leading LED products are a key component to solving many of the challenges facing customers around the world who are seeking practical and economical methods to promote and achieve energy conservation.
For example, a major retailer partnered with Current to complete a multiyear outdoor lighting retrofit project.
During the span of the retrofit project, the retailer saved more than 3.1 billion cumulative kilowatt hours in energy consumption. What does this mean for our environment?
That’s the equivalent of:
486,324 automobiles taken off the road for one year
2.2+ metric tons of CO2 not released into the atmosphere
108,000+ garbage trucks of waste recycled
Food Wholesaler Achieves LEED® v4 Certification With Intelligent Lighting Controls
Food Wholesaler Achieves LEED® v4 Certification With Intelligent Lighting Controls
Our ability to solve some of the most difficult sustainability challenges comes from a legacy of creativity and innovation. With a wide range of capabilities, including light sensors, controls and energy-saving light products, we are able to harvest daylight to offset the need for electric lighting—reducing energy consumption.
Current’s occupancy sensors and large array of dimming features can save up to 30% more energy for our customers.
And our controls aren’t just for unlocking energy savings in lighting applications. We create customizable and easily deployed enterprise-wide controls software. This software enables the end user to monitor their HVAC system, control physical access to facilities and efficiently recalibrate space utilization to maximize energy conservation and promote safer environments.
Our capabilities were on full display with a well-known food wholesaler in South America.
The company tapped into our innovative controls portfolio when it began its ambitious goal to obtain Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED®) v4 certification of its outlets. LEED v4 takes a performance-based approach to design, operations and maintenance that brings smart-grid thinking to the forefront. It rewards projects for incorporating strong demand response programs—a component that plays directly to the strengths of Current’s controls products.
The first facility the wholesaler picked to certify contained more than 48,000 square feet. With a significant interior and exterior footprint, the lighting had to meet non-negotiable uniformity standards while being extremely efficient and compatible with sophisticated lighting controls.
The net result of using Current’s suite of intelligent lighting control products:
60% improved efficiency over similar-sized stores in the wholesaler’s portfolio
Met rigorous LEED v4 requirements
Effective harvesting of daylight using occupancy and vacancy sensors
How LED Lighting from Current is Feeding Thousands in Texas
How LED Lighting from Current is Feeding Thousands in Texas
Big Tex Urban Farms is part innovation lab, part production facility and fully on a mission to grow fresh produce for food-desert communities. A food-desert area is one that lacks easy access to grocery stores, farmers’ markets and other healthy eating options—a problem that has long impacted large parts of South Dallas.
Past experiences had taught the Big Tex team that LED lamps offer longer life, energy savings, lower maintenance and less heat as compared to traditional horticulture lighting options like fluorescent tubes and high-pressure sodium fixtures, making the decision to add the Arize system to its newest deep-water bed an easy one. It only took a few weeks to see a dramatic difference.
Big Tex has converted its greenhouse from a sometimes storage space to a full production facility that never takes a day off. As the farm expands, the company can see a setup that can one day produce a million servings of food a year.
We are proud of our legacy of giving