Lighting Controls Systems

Daintree ONE Wireless Controls
Stand-alone and independent wireless control of your lighting fixtures.

Daintree EZ Connect Wireless Controls
App-based wireless lighting controls that provide room-based or zonal control of your lighting fixtures without additional hubs, gateways or internet connections.

Daintree Networked Wireless Controls
Networked wireless lighting controls can manage single sites, entire networks of buildings, other BMS systems and can integrate into API platforms for IoT enablement.

Current lighting fixtures are already integrated with Daintree Wireless Controls and cuts down on labor and installation costs. Integrated sensors help maintain the architectural design of the ceiling design.

Improve space utilization, increase energy optimization, productivity and gather actionable insight with Daintree Networked IoT solutions.

Daintree Networked solutions are open on the top and open on the bottom, which means customers can create APIs to multiple software solutions on the top, opening the door for endless possibilities.

LightSweep Modular Lighting Control System is a comprehensive indoor lighting control systems designed to save money while improving the efficiency, comfort, safety and security of any facility.

LightGrid Wireless Roadway Controls
LightGrid roadway controls enable remote monitoring, control and asset management of a single fixture or a group of fixtures through a web-enabled Central Management System.